State Parties – May 2014

Sandy and Phil Barney, hosts of Montana party

Sandy and Phil Barney, hosts of Montana party


The 2014 Montana party was held on the patio of Sandy and Phil Barney. 54 Montanans, spouses and others with connections to Montana representing all regions of the state from Libby to Miles City, Plentywood to Darby and places in between enjoyed a potluck dinner on a lovely evening. The fabulous cooks provided a variety of tasty casseroles, salads and desserts. Table games of Montana trivia and Name the Town provided entertainment and conversation. If you know what town in Montana has the same name as a former TV sheriff, what town is named after a warm southwest wind, or what town has the same name as the President on a $10 dollar bill you could claim to be from Big Sky country.

Information for the 2015 party will be sent by email next year. If you did not get a notice about the party or want to be included in 2015, contact the Barneys at 468-2532 or [email protected].