MountainView Bridge Club

Bridge games may be bewitching, causing a twinkle in your eye.

Ann Kuperberg

The MountainView Bridge Club now meets in MountainView’s Catalina Room on Friday afternoons at 1 p.m. If you need a partner or further information, contact JoAnn Aiken at [email protected] or 520-256-2702. Our website is

This group of duplicate players always welcomes players of all abilities. It’s a great way to sharpen your skills, as the cooler weather encourages us to leave our homes for more activity.

Adam Parrish wrote some advice in a recent issue of Bridge Bulletin.

When an opponent shows a two-suited hand, overcalling Michaels or Unusual 2NT, the lead will most likely be a singleton. Parrish further said they probably have two trump.

“If a two-suited hand doesn’t lead an off suit, they probably don’t have an outside singleton and probably have a singleton trump.”

This type of overcall and lead gives the declarer much information on the opponent’s cards and shape.

Another contributor to the magazine, Robert Todd, gave advice on how to respond when partner opens a major.

Todd said you can bid Jacoby 2NT, support for suit and opening hand, Splinter bid with support for partner and shortness in another suit, invitational raise with 10-12 hcps.

If you play 2/1, a simple raise means a good 7 to bad 10 hcps, with 3-card support.

When you have a strong hand with 5-card support or longer, you can still bid Jacoby 2NT. With a weaker hand, jump straight to game and can be made with 0-8 hcps, not vulnerable, 3-8 hcps. Vulnerable.

If opponents interfere, cue-bidding their suit also tells partner you have at least 10 hcps and support for their suit.

We hope to see more of you at the bridge table for a fun afternoon.