Award to SaddleBrooke Troop Support

Left to right: Mrs. Kim Sloan, Ladies Auxiliary of the VFW; Commander George Phillips, VFW Post 10188; George Bidwell of SaddleBrooke Troop Support and President of Ladies Auxiliary VFW Post 10188 Francine Phillips

Left to right: Mrs. Kim Sloan, Ladies Auxiliary of the VFW; Commander George Phillips, VFW Post 10188; George Bidwell of SaddleBrooke Troop Support and President of Ladies Auxiliary VFW Post 10188 Francine Phillips

George Bidwell

On Sunday, March 23 SaddleBrooke Troop Support Chairman George Bidwell and wife Louise attended the post deployment event of the 860th Military Police Unit at the National Guard building on Valencia Road adjacent to the Pima Air Museum. There were approximately 65 soldiers in all. Of that total, eight were returning from their second deployment and five were returning from their third deployment. After the soldiers were presented their awards, other groups that supported the soldiers were recognized. On behalf of SBTS, Bidwell was presented a Certificate of Appreciation for supporting the 860th while serving in Afghanistan.

Ms. Kim Sloan, Ladies Auxiliary of the VFW, advised us that a set of problems awaits the new civilians now that they have returned from deployment. Those who had jobs before going overseas may find that their jobs do not exist anymore. Those who had no job before being assigned overseas will need to find some form of help until they can find a job. Those soldiers and their families are struggling.

This is where SaddleBrooke Troop Support comes in. We supply three Military Food Banks used by these new civilians in order to survive. We need to increase the amount of food we are contributing to the Military Food Banks. You can help. Join SBTS today. We will give you a vital task.

We have a job for you.

There are three Military Food Banks supported by the SaddleBrooke Troop Support. All three are requiring additional supplies due to the recent returning troops of the 860th Military Police Unit. These new veterans are having a difficult time getting employment and sustaining their families. In most cases the jobs they had before being deployed no longer exist so they must fall back on unemployment benefits. It is important that we step up our effort to ensure there is enough food available for them. We are looking for a few more volunteers to help us gather non-perishable foods for the Military Food Banks. Our one and only volunteer, Moose Creighton, is becoming overwhelmed with the additional request for food supplies. Please step up to help us help them. To help, email [email protected].

Thank you to all who have paid your dues and especially to those of you who have made separate donations. Remember 100% of donations are devoted to troop and family support. All of our operating expenses are covered by your $10 dues. Please see our website for membership renewal, dues and donation information. Also special thanks to all who volunteered to devote your time to our many activities. We need you and you will enjoy the heartwarming effort in behalf of our troops, their families and our honored veterans.

Future events: October 25 Dinner Dance; September 26 Golf Tournament; Early 2015 Special Luncheon. See next issue more information.