The homeless pets can rest easy knowing that you care.
Time to ‘Re-Member’ the Network
Karyle Steele
It’s clearly an understatement to say that 2020 has been an unusual year for us at SaddleBrooke Pet Rescue Network. Over COVID-19 concerns we cancelled our large group fundraising events. It is quite humbling to report that our loyal and generous members continued to send in donations even during this uncertain period. These contributions have allowed us to donate over $4,000 toward the accounts of rescue groups in Tucson and Pinal County that routinely save sick, injured, and senior dogs and cats from both Pima Animal Care Center (PACC) and Pinal County Animal Care and Control (PCACC). We were also able to contribute $2,000 to Friends of Pinal County Animal Shelter & Rescues toward the purchase of a dental machine for PCACC. In addition, the generous in-kind donations of SB residents to our monthly pick-up program allowed us to provide ongoing support to PACC, PCACC, Cody’s Friends, and our rescue partners, Cherished Tails Senior Sanctuary and Oracle Animal Rescue and Rehabilitation.
Believe it or not, we have reached the fourth quarter of 2020 and it is time to renew your annual membership to the Pet Rescue Network. All renewals received from this point forward will be valid through the year end of 2021. If you are not a current member, please consider joining now. For $20 a year you can help us continue our efforts to help homeless pets.
We are honored by the continuing generous support we have in the SaddleBrooke community. Thank you for donating and for volunteering!
Please visit our website at www.sbpetrescue.com, and print the membership form from the “join-donate” page. Please write a check payable to SaddleBrooke Pet Rescue Network, and drop off or mail it along with the membership form to SaddleBrooke Pet Rescue Network, c/o Carol Merlini at 63267 E. Brooke Park Drive, Tucson, AZ 85739.
Donations to the Pet Rescue Network are not tax deductible.

Volunteers in-between loading vehicles.
Pet Food Drive Well Supported by Residents
Karyle Steele
Thanks SaddleBrooke residents! You took the Pet Food Drive for PINAL County pets in need over the top. We were able to collect over one full pickup truck and one large SUV in just 1.5 hours.
Lynda from Pets In Need Action League (P.I.N.A.L.) was there to help collect the donations and then transport them to their distribution site.
We want to give a special shout out to the Unit Reps that came down from SaddleBrooke Ranch. Their contributions made a big difference to our overall success.
The P.I.N.A.L. pet food bank serves an average of more than 100 families in need of assistance per month so that they can keep their pets during hard times. These pets have been saved from being surrendered thanks to this group of hardworking and dedicated people.
If you want to help them continue this amazing effort, please send your checks to Pets In Need Action League, at PO Box 12813, Casa Grande, AZ 85130.
It was really gratifying to see the support for this initiative in Pinal County. The Network Board appreciates it very much.

A full load headed to one of our rescuers.
Monthly Pet Donation Drop Off Program
Karyle Steele
Over the last five years our monthly pick up program of pet items and linens has grown substantially.
As a result, we no longer have the resources to handle the volume of donations in an efficient manner.
Therefore, we are asking residents to drop off their donations. The drop off location will be in SaddleBrooke One at the Bocce Ball court.
It will still be the first Friday of every month and the hours will be 8:30 to 9:30 a.m.
To ensure that we can plan the vehicles required ahead of time, we are asking that you call 520-548-7861 or email [email protected] to let us know the nature of your drop off donation. This will allow us to plan for enough transport vehicles to take the items on to the shelters and rescuers.
Items We CAN Take: crates (no greater than 30” and broken down); pet beds/crate pads; pet food/water bowls; pet toys; pet treats; pet food; pet gates; pet medication (must NOT be beyond expiration date); pet sweaters/coats; leashes/collars/harnesses; grooming tools; cat litter boxes; cat litter; cat scratching posts or pads; X-pens; puppy pads/doggie diapers; e-collars; training tools; bath towels (no hand towels, washcloths); and blankets.
All items should be gently used and washed prior to donation. Items should be in working order.
Items We CANNOT Take: mattress covers; rubber-backed rugs; electric blankets; comforters or quilted items; pillows or chair pads; carpeting; any items with paint, grease or oil on them; sheets—both flat and fitted; washcloths or hand towels.
The above items can present a choking hazard or cleaning issue. They cannot be safely used in an environment where you are housing animals you are not familiar with. Carpeting or carpeted items cannot be cleaned to a standard necessary for newly vaccinated animals.