Marsha Camp
Our 2020 board members hit the ground running and are busy implementing a new handicap system, innovative playday events, tantalizing luncheon menus, and many exciting experiences members don’t want to miss. You can be sure we’re in for the best year yet. Our president, Shellie Perce, has captained other golf associations and was a high school principal. With that kind of experience, we know she’s adept at molding a hundred different ideas into a consensus. Vice Prez Pam Brunell will meet the challenge of coaxing people to work together. Mary Ribachi, our new secretary, will stay calm and cool while taking notes during our luncheon meetings. This is not easy, since our members like to talk all at once. Kathy Minx must be a glutton for punishment as she has kept her title of treasurer from last year. I’ll have to send my Ace investigator, Chunkie, to interview each board member to give you more background on all. Darlene Warner is our new membership chair. Kay McCollum is taking on handicap duties. I’m sure we will be hearing from her as she leads us, kicking and screaming, into the new system. Gail Fosmire will head up special tournaments and Bonnie Westra will deal out games on Tuesday play days.
Keeping with tradition, Prez Shellie recognized past board presidents. The past presidents in attendance were Fay Steele, Bobbie Manges, Bevin Wagner, Carolyn DiSanto, Karen Vander Jagt, Marilyn Mitchell, Nancy Wyllie, Ann Chatham, Gail Plimpton, Karen Haddock, Geri Sandilands, Kerry Wolfe, Diane Ray, Brenda Brown, Sheila Clarkin, and Venetia Lewis.
One Tuesday play day each month is designated as Ace Day, a day Lois Lane will play without fail, exceptionally poorly. On that day two players, one with the lowest net score and one with the lowest gross score wins the title of Ace of the month. In December twenty-two Aces vied for the coveted title of Ace of Aces. I’m proud to announce the 2019 winners. Our low gross winner is Becky Hubbard with a score of 79 and Karen Wendlandt took the title of low net and carded a 65. No doubt these lucky gals had to find time in a busy holiday season for photo shoots, interviews, and autograph sessions.
And now, the update you’ve all been waiting for. Or not. Reporters Chunkie and Scuffie have made a startling discovery. The appearance of silvery lights on SaddleBrooke #8 tee that Chunkie discovered this summer precedes each incidence of strange weather we’ve had lately. And folks, this tee box is very close to the home of one of our members. This same member endured grueling weather to win a tournament in Phoenix in September. Now, I’m not saying this member has extraordinary powers…yet. But you can be sure Chunkie and Scuffie will continue this investigation.
Until next time, carry those sand bottles so you can fill the divots others forgot to fill.