Summer is well under way with temperatures in the 100s. Even after the sun goes down, our asphalt streets retain the heat of the day and are dangerous to our furry pals on walks. Dogs require their paws to stay cool to help control their body temperature. Injury to paw pads can be painful, uncomfortable and particularly prone to infection. So, in order to protect your animal’s adorable little feet this summer, follow these tips:
Hold your hand on the asphalt for ten seconds. If you can’t stand it, neither can your pet.
Do not exercise or walk your pet outside during the hottest part of the day.
Doggy shoes can be purchased from Petsmart and sporting goods stores such as REI at reasonable prices. An additional benefit of putting booties on your pet for walks on our hot streets is keeping their paws clean.
Carry water with you for your pet as well as yourself.
Always offer your animal a cool place to rest indoors or a shady area outdoors on non-heat absorbing surfaces.
Know the symptoms of a paw pad injury. Dogs often limp, hold their injured paw up off the ground, whimper or excessively lick or bite at their paws. If their pads appear injured or burned, you can apply basic first aid to prevent infection and soothe their pain. This includes cleaning the paws in cool (not cold) water and applying pet-safe antibiotic ointment and bandages if necessary.
Our pets are important to us. Let’s try to keep them safe and happy.