Lydia O’Connor
A full house greeted Pamela Petterborg Ingerman for the December SaddleBrooke One Genealogy Club meeting. Pam’s topic was “Navigating through the Family Search Website.” This is a very important topic as it will help club members who are making the March 3, 2019 trip to Salt Lake City. Not only will it help members prepare for this trip, but the wealth of information she presented will help all locate and research family members on their own. The Family Search website contains a wealth of information for researchers and it is free.
Pam provided a five-page handout on navigating through this site. The handout contained so much information that she was unable to cover everything because there were so many questions. We learned how to get into the Family Search Program and navigate to several other sites linked to the website. Pam told attendees how to use several topics when looking for an ancestor, how to add personal information and how to research documents, photos and historical records. Additionally, she demonstrated how to research information from other countries. An important tip she gave those travelling to Salt Lake City in March was to do advance research to make sure answers are available and where one can find them in the millions of documents available there. Pam’s talk was so informative that many attendees asked her to come home with them to help with their research. The club hopes that Pam will return at a later date to provide even more information. The group left the meeting eager to return to their computers and get started with the Family Search program or fine-tune data already acquired.
The Genealogy Club has a Members Helping Members program. Club members can help others with many topics to include getting started in genealogy, working with different programs such as and Family Tree, understanding one’s DNA and learning how to research in specific states and countries. There is even a member who can help translate German documents. Those interested in this benefit should consider joining the club as a member.
Please join us next month on January 3, 2019 and every first Thursday of each month at 1:00 p.m. in the SaddleBrooke One Clubhouse, the Coyote Room. The January meetings topic will be “Preparing for Genealogy Travel.”