Photography Club captures super moon, eclipse and blue moon


Linda Nagy

On January 31, 2018 a phenomenon occurred that hasn’t happened in over 150 years, and won’t happen again until 2037. It was a super, blue, blood moon. In the morning some SaddleBrooke Photography Club members independently photographed the eclipse (blood moon) and blue moon, and in the evening a group met as a super moon arose over the Catalina Mountains. Meeting at the In-N-Out Burger at the Oro Valley Marketplace, some of the 16 photographers in attendance dined on hamburgers while waiting for the moon to crest the Pusch Ridge of the Catalina Mountains. There was plenty of time to set up cameras—all types from point-and-shoot, phones, to professional models with super long zoom lenses—and to discuss aperture, ISO and shutter speed. President of the club, Roddy Wilder, suggested to members the best camera settings as good starting points for exposure. “Lots of fun and Roddy was very helpful as always,” commented Tim Butler. Newcomer Tom Stafford also got some one-on-one support. Finally, the moment arrived. A sliver of moon appeared above the mountains. Cameras clicked quickly because in a very few minutes the full moon shone brightly high in the sky. All enjoyed the camaraderie and returned home with newly learned skills. “This was just one of several outings planned for the spring, and there will be more events to come”, said Bernie Nagy, leader for this evening’s photo outing. The SaddleBrooke Photo Club is open to all photographers from amateurs to advanced levels, and everyone learns from one another. The club has open studio on Wednesdays and Fridays mornings in the Agate Room of SaddleBrooke TWO. Besides the open studios, there are outings planned throughout the year, special interest groups and a general meeting that is held once a month. For more information check online at