Joan Elder
The SaddleBrooke Writers Group meets the first and third Saturday in the Saguaro Room at the MountainView Country Club from 10:00 a.m. to noon.
The members of the club range from people interested in getting started writing to those who have published books and everywhere in between. Some members write prose and others poetry. Some people write primarily memoir pieces with hopes of leaving these memories for descendants.
January meeting dates are the 6 and 18 and we urge anyone interested in writing to attend. You can bring something you wish to read or just come and listen to learn what we are all about. The focus of all meetings is sharing our work. We try to keep the reading to five minutes or less and we do not critique at these sessions. There are separate groups which meet at another time for those interested in having others critique their writing.
Members of the Writers Group will have a table at the January 27 Activities Fair so we urge you to come by and talk to us there. We are hoping to increase the number of active members so that we can hold our Coffee House in March 2018. We have held that event every other year. Do come and join us if you have any interest in writing!