Barbara Johnson
The SaddleBrooke Lady Niners held their last big event of 2016 on December 13 with their annual Holiday Luncheon. They started the day with a fun game of golf where they got to throw out their three worst holes of the day (winners were determined by their scores based on two thirds of their handicap). It was a beautiful warm day and everyone had a great time playing this very unusual game.
Afterwards they went into the clubhouse and enjoyed another delicious luncheon with our favorite decorations of the year – toys! Our special guests for the day were members of the Golder Ranch Fire Department. We collect the toys to be given to them for the Toys for Tots and Teens Program and as usual they had a good many bags to fill. It’s always a pleasure to have lunch with them and hear some of the interesting stories they have to tell.
Vice-President Maria Byers conducted the meeting in Char Crossman’s absence (who was enjoying a cruise in the Caribbean, poor lady!). After the thank-yous and awarding of pins and Ringer Board winners, Charlotte James awarded the trophies to our big winners from the year – Founder’s Cup winner Vernie Tupa, Club Champion Mary Crooks, President’s Cup Champion Shirley Morris and our Most Improved Player Sheryl Nugent. A big congratulations to all of the ladies!
Next, Barbara Johnson conducted the installation of our new officers for 2017. Our new Board for the New Year is Maria Byers, president; Debbie Thompson, vice-president; Dian Kupper, secretary; Sandy Wagoner, treasurer; Charlotte James, handicap; Hedy Gryszan, Tournament and Char Crossman, Pairings. We all look forward to a tremendously fun and active 2017!