2018 Social Team Tennis


Kay Sullivan

Despite the late start on January 31, approximately 70 men and women signed up for Social Team Tennis this year so that we were able to field three teams each with a nice cushion of willing substitute players. With three teams, it meant that each team had two byes over the six-week period which ended on March 7.

The Chollas, Saguaros and Prickly Pears, led by captains Sandy Schoenleber, Terry Rowell and Cindy Madsen respectively, all chose their team colors and challenged each other. Subs helped fill out their teams when needed. Sandy’s Chollas prevailed, winning 10 courts versus 8 and 6 for the other two teams. Congratulations to the Chollas team members!

Chollas: JoAnn Bosworth, Keri Davis, Cheryl Fay, Chris Garand, Marie Kahng, Deanna McCann, Pat Pilon, Mary Jo Quilling, Sandy Schoenleber, Sarah Smith and Katrin Spinetta

Prickly Pears: Ruthe Burgener, Karen Cusano, Melissa deLooze, Deb Donahue, Judy Filter, Eleanor Geiger, Connie Kacer, Cindy Madsen, Joan Martin and Peggy Payne

Saguaros: Laurie Chikusa, Pam Corrigan, Karen Erickson, Brenda Harried, Rhoda Kaplan, Ginger Riffel, Cheryl Simpson, Terry Rowell, Doni Watts and Margrit Wehrli

The men’s teams were the Javelinas, Cougars and Coyotes, led respectively by Gary Rowell, Bob Stocks and Arch Payne. The Javelinas won 11 courts, beating the other two teams. The Cougars were on their heels though, with 10 courts won. Congratulations to the Javelinas!

Javelinas: Jim Abrahamson, Don Erickson, Liam Flynn, Charles Kahng, Rich Reiner, Gary Rowell, Mark Rupe, Peter Spinetta, Craig Saunders and Bob Weiss

Cougars: Chuck Best, JD Davis, Ken Leimkuehler, Chris Madsen, Jim Marchisio, Jim Merker, Arch Payne, Joe Schullik, John Serle and Jim Ward

Coyotes: Jay Clary, Mark Freshwater, Walter Fritz, Bob Johnson, Rufus Renfrow, Gary Simpson, Gary Stewart, Bob Stocks, Richard Wantuck and John Zipp

A big thank you goes to all the captains and players. An additional thanks to Terry and Gary Rowell for purchasing and hauling the snacks, beverages and ice each week for the fun social time afterwards. The STC provided the funds for the snacks, beverages and token prizes for the winning teams and all the captains.

Coordinators Kay Sullivan and Jim Abrahamson thank all involved for helping make this event successful. Planning for 2019 will begin this November. Look forward to it!