Stephanie Urdiales
The Golden Goose Thrift Shop just celebrated our thirteenth anniversary in conjunction with our annual Volunteer Appreciation Event on Sunday, April 17! Over three hundred of our four hundred-plus volunteers were in attendance. Carrabba’s catered the event and Gus D’Oldie and Miss Gina provided the entertainment. A grand time was had by all. Photographs may be viewed at our website and on our Facebook page which can be accessed through the website. While you are visiting, please remember to like us.
Our volunteers were honored throughout the evening for the 6,000-plus hours that they give to the Goose each month! This translates in to 150 40-hour work weeks per month. Incredible. One, five and ten year pins were awarded and our banner, when unfurled, proudly announced that the Golden Goose has donated over 8,000,000 dollars in our 13 year history divided equally between IMPACT of Southern Arizona, (formerly Catalina Community Services) and SaddleBrooke Community Outreach.
Through these two organizations local children, seniors and families in need are helped in a myriad of ways. Clothing, food, scholarships, tutoring, summer youth programs, senior center, job services, health services and meals-on-wheels, are some of the ways people are helped. The list is long of what the money generated by the Golden Goose helps make possible!
We are about to embark on an expansion project which will add 4,000 square feet to our facility, 3,000 in the back room and 1,000 on the sales floor. There will also be two large permanent canopies over our drop-off and receiving areas to protect our volunteers and donors from the sun and rain. We are currently looking at a time line of roughly June through December of this year. We will be posting construction project updates regularly on our Facebook page which you can access via our website at
Whether you are a Golden Goose customer, donor, volunteer or a little of each, we thank you for becoming and for continuing to be members of our Goose family. Together we make good things happen every day!