The 10th annual SaddleBrooke Lights and Golf Cart Parade will be held on Tuesday, Dec. 20, starting at 5:45 p.m. from the driving range area behind the SaddleBrooke clubhouse. Save the date!
Ed Moisio, along with his son Eric, will again lead the 1-1/2-hour parade of golf carts to see more than 40 displays of Christmas lights throughout SaddleBrooke. Invite the family and relatives to celebrate this great event.
The nearly three-block-long line of decorated golf carts will be met by many of the residents who stand at the streets and cheer the paraders on. Christmas music will be heard from the boom boxes and cheers of Merry Christmas and Happy New Year will echo through the evening.
We hope you all have a great holiday season, a very Happy New Year, and we hope to see you at the 10th annual Lights and Golf Cart Parade. Registration will be held on the RoadRunner Grill Patio beginning at 5 p.m. on Tuesday, Dec. 20. An awards presentation and celebration, including soups, appetizers, and desserts, will be held after the parade in the Activities Center. You are invited to attend and bring something to share with those who participated in the parade.
For more details and a copy of the parade route map, please contact Fred Pilster at or go on our SaddleBrooke website