Unit 9

Yes, we know that America’s Got Talent, England’s Got Talent, Holland’s Got Talent but SaddleBrooke residents also know that SaddleBrooke’s Got Talent. March 28 found a group of forty Unit Nine residents enjoying the 2014 SaddleBrooke Variety Show which is one of our musts every two years; we always book a block of tickets. Again this year the Variety Show was a winner! Thank you to all the volunteers, performers, technicians, assistants, everyone who make this exceptional show possible. We loved it and we are proud that three of our Unit Nine residents Marilyn Mitchell, Ted Robu and Brenda Lucas added their considerable talents to the show.

As is our custom we gathered for a cocktail party before the theater. Our hosts, Ed and Vernie Tupa, welcomed us into their lovely casa. An assortment of beverages as well as hearty appetizers helped to make the party a great success. We almost hated to stop munching and mingling but it was time to be off to enjoy being entertained by SaddleBrooke’s amazing talent.

All in all, a wonderful evening! v