The Platinum by Golf Cars of Arizona
David Taylor
Did you know that 40 years ago golf cars could barely make it through an 18-hole round before their batteries went kaput? Things have changed dramatically in the golf car industry in the last 40 years. Established in 1980 in the Tucson metro area Golf Cars of Arizona is still in business now 40 years later. Their golf cars can now power through many rounds, even if you have to chase most of your drives after slicing them three fairways over!
There have been three owners of this company to date. Dareck Makowski, the current owner since 2012, has been responsible for the most dramatic growth of the business. When Makowski purchased the company, it was located on Alvernon Way in Tucson. Moving to a larger location on 22nd street was his first move to give the dealership a fresh makeover. Modernizing Golf Cars of Arizona was a priority. Developing an in-house upholstery shop and adding a rental fleet were changes Makowski implemented to set a quality standard for customers, and it worked. Club Car, a top golf car brand, approached him in 2014 to become a commercial dealer. Golf Cars of Arizona now sells 40-plus commercial vehicles a year for Club Car. The prestigious Club Car Elite Award goes to the top 25 performing dealerships in North America. Makowski and his team have won it twice, in 2017 and 2019.
The Arizona Daily Star awarded Golf Cars of Arizona their Best Golf Cart Dealer award in 2018, 2019, and 2020. A true testament to the continuing effort on Makowski’s part to provide the best quality and service in the golf car industry in the Tucson metro area.
Platinum is the most valuable of all precious metals. Makowski in 2018 began manufacturing his own brand of private golf car. Aptly named Platinum, for obvious reasons. Relying on years of experience he researched and chose all the best components to manufacture his machine. A lithium battery option powers the Platinum to a 25 mph speed. It is the most popular car ordered in the Platinum line.
Golf Cars of Arizona has three locations in the Tucson area: 4888 E. 22nd Street in Tucson, 15617 North Oracle Road in Catalina, and 251 West Calle de las Tiendas in Green Valley. Call 520-GOLF-CAR or visit their website at www.golfcarsofarizona.com to see all they have to offer. You will be glad you did!