Mister Mister and Missus Mister Don and Linda Cornish help Picklers cool off

Left to right, with the new misters above them: Ken Powers, Linda and Don Cornish

Left to right, with the new misters above them: Ken Powers, Linda and Don Cornish

Andrea Molberg

Avid SaddleBrooke pickleball players Don and Linda Cornish have made playing this fast growing sport in the heat more comfortable. Have you noticed that local restaurants cool and attract customers with misters installed on their patios? Having experienced the cooling effect, pickleball players have been commenting how misters would improve both waiting to play and recovering from  a heated game.

Don and Linda Cornish took action with Ken Powers’ help. The Cornishes generously donated the materials and Ken, the SaddleBrooke Pickleball Association’s facilities maintenance chair, got busy installing the new mister system. Misters are now lowering the temps in the covered bench area by Ridgeview’s regulation pickleball court No. 1. Neighbors helping neighbors and keeping everyone cool!