Let’s Dance Ballroom Club

An eager group awaits Two Step instructions.

An eager group awaits Two Step instructions.

A crowded dance floor of eager wanna be Night Club Two Steppers awaited instruction under the expert tutelage of Tom and Ann Kurtz.

Night Club Two Step is often called the cruise ship dance because of the small dance floors on most cruise ships. NCTS can be danced beautifully with grace and stylish movement in a small space so it is perfect when one is on a cruise.

Tom and Ann guided mostly beginners through four weeks and thirteen steps of NCTS, an ambitious task to say the least. There were moments of that deer in the headlights look but with laughter from teachers and students alike everyone had a great time and actually felt comfortable dancing NCTS especially on cruise ships.

It is the goal of the Let’s Dance Ballroom Club for all levels of dancers to have fun and enjoy the joyous moment when the steps come together and there you are dancing!

Please join us every Wednesday morning at 10:00 a.m. in the Vermilion Room to enjoy the fun of learning to dance. East Coast Swing (triple step) will be taught the month of April and Merengue in May. Lessons are free to members. Yearly membership is $10 to join both SaddleBrooke Ballroom Dance Club and the Let’s Dance Ballroom Club.

Check us out on Facebook: Let’s Dance Club of SaddleBrooke. For questions call 520-431-2414 or 520-825-5401.

“The joy of dancing is in the journey of every step.”