HOA2 Golf Task Force

The HOA2 Board is pleased to announce that the Golf Task Force (GTF) is now up and running. The Board received numerous applications from interested homeowners and selected nine people for the committee based on their individual professional expertise and volunteer experiences. The group includes Jon Michels – chair, Mike Brenny – vice chair, Tim Butler – secretary, Rick Cole, Byron Cotter, Charlie Groves, Joyce Howard, Manny Mederos and Susan Richards. HOA2 General Manager Damon Williams will serve as the staff liaison. The committee members come from all walks of life; some worked in a corporate setting while others were self-employed. Some members of our group have played golf, some are retired from the game and some have never picked up a club or driven a golf cart. The GTF has three working groups consisting of finance, operations and communications. Our mission is “To assist HOA2 homeowners in making a sound decision about the future of the MountainView Golf Course.”

The GTF wants to make our deliberations as open and as transparent as possible. To that end, they have established a message board where homeowners can post comments, questions, concerns and ideas. Input will be catalogued and used as a basis of articles in the SaddleBrooke Progress, and For the Record as well as postings on the HOA2 website. GTF looks forward to hearing from homeowners so please take the time to reach out at [email protected]. To retrieve our postings on the HOA2 website, click the committee link and then look for Golf Task Force under the committee listings. We will also be hosting town hall meetings to communicate with the homeowners in person, so look for our notices and updates from the HOA2 staff. We appreciate your interest and ask for your patience as we work through this process.