English Country Dancers

English Country Dancers have fun while gaining exercise.

English Country Dancers have fun while gaining exercise.

Britt O’Grady

The SaddleBrooke English Country Dance Group is in full swing.

English Country Dancing is an excellent way to get great exercise for both the mind and the body and have lots of fun at the same time.

We dance year round, and even though a number of dancers are snowbirds they have no problem getting back into the swing of the dances when they return. Most of the dances are done with a lilting walk except the waltz-time dances and are done in sets of two, three, four or more couples. Once you’ve learned the basic patterns you can do most of the dances. Our beginner dancers will be getting extra attention during the first 30 to 45 minutes of the classes and everyone dances at their own pace and can feel free to sit out a dance or two if they prefer. We walk through all the dances before using the music as a reminder of the patterns, so come and join in the fun. We meet every Thursday at the SaddleBrooke One Vermilion Room from 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. and you don’t need to have a partner. If you’re coming for the first time, it’s best to email or phone Enid Fowler at genenid @wbhsi.net, 520-818-1932 or Kay White at [email protected], 520-818-9482 or the undersigned in the event we have had to change venues or you can be put on our email list. Happy dancing!

Britt O’Grady (520-818-9482).