Carol and John Sochacki “Retirement should be a joy”

John and Carol Sochacki

John and Carol Sochacki

Jay Clayton Wilson

“The most outgoing couple one could hope to meet at STC.” That is the description most often heard about John and Carol Sochacki. It is an honor they have earned during their 10 years in the SaddleBrooke community.

It would be a rare event or most unusual tennis opportunity occurring at the STC in which John and Carol were not at the forefront with smiles glistening and hands outstretched in friendship to newcomers and old friends alike. STC parties would be lacking if John were not in evidence with happy greetings and a welcoming word. Should someone question this cheerful assertion, just show up at the next STC event and look for the guy with the brightest smile. Then ask that person if he is John Sochacki. You will have proof well beyond any scientifically measurable doubt.

John, who gladly volunteers his time to the club by serving as one of our several certified teaching professionals, has many credentials to his credit. He was the number one salesman for Xerox Corporation when he lived in Hawaii. Enjoying the beach style of corporate life, he and TJ Duffy, the current STC President, would fly from island to island to play tennis with each other. No wonder both of them are certified teaching professionals whose games make the local competition wither. Well, most of the time anyway. Of significant note, John is also the STC mixed doubles champion along with his talented partner, Tina Huber.

These are items worth knowing about John and Carol. It gets much better. “Retirement should be a joy,” John said recently while discussing tennis at SaddleBrooke. It turns out to be his mantra.

He and Carol never wanted to sail off into some retirement sunset. They dedicated themselves to figuring out how to be really retired in personal harmony with their environment, abilities and interests. “Retirement should be a joy” is an objective worthy of all who value health in a community where tennis is up front and center-stage. Achieving that objective drives John to participate wholeheartedly in our large and expanding tennis community. On the journey, he actively urges every person who has ever held a tennis racket to consider improving health and the joy of life by reintroducing themselves to the game. STC, with several highly qualified instructors and a delightfully friendly atmosphere, is the place to do it.

Carol’s tennis career is equally impressive. A player who has always loved the game, she also involves herself as an official USTA line person. She has worked professional level matches in the Master Series when the game’s great competitors played, such as John McEnroe, Michael Chang and Jim Courier. Her contribution to John’s remarkable attitude is evidenced by this statement. When asked what she most enjoyed about tennis and her retirement, she said, “I have loved spending fifty years with John.” Goes to show, the best tennis buddies we can have are the ones we live with.

Good going, Carol and John.

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