What’s more fun than dancing? Square dancing!


Tim Morsani

Don’t believe me? Some Thursday evening, carry your glass of wine or beer from the MountainView Bistro into the ballroom and watch for a while. For over twenty years we’ve been there from 7:00 to 8:30 every Thursday night dancing to caller Larry Kraber.

If you’ve square danced in the past, Larry calls both mainstream and plus. What does that mean, you ask? The caller uses up to 88 calls in a mainstream dance; 117 in a plus dance. And you thought it was just do-si-do and allemande left.

For some of us it’s not necessarily easy to learn but it’s definitely worth the effort. If you have two left feet it’s great because you’re told every move to make.

New classes begin every year. Visit a dance and learn more at SaddleBrookeSquares.com or, better yet, drop in some Thursday evening and see if I’m telling the truth.