What is balance and why is it so important?

Balance is the ability to maintain control of a particular body position while performing a given task with minimal postural sway. This could be achieved simply by sitting at a table, standing on one leg or riding a bike. Good control reduces the energy required and minimizes fatigue. To perform efficient movements across a host of activities and tasks, we need to be able to maintain control of body positioning during static and dynamic activities thus needing good static and dynamic balance.

Static Balance is the ability to maintain control of a position while remaining stationary – for example, balancing on one leg or holding a headstand.

Dynamic Balance is the ability to maintain balance and control of the body while moving, such as hopping, jumping or riding a bike.

Balance training is important as it can improve postural alignment of the body and develop coordinated movement. It’s best to develop balance early in the exercise program. Then all of your cardio, resistance and functional exercises should be performed with your body centered in proper alignment.

As we get older, our fear of falling increases. So balance, like anything else if we do not use it, we lose it. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, every hour fall-related injuries like wrist and hip fractures and head traumas are just to name a few that send more than 180 older adults to the emergency room and one of those individuals dies as a result of falling. As a suggestion, utilize a personal trainer or a workout partner for safety while performing new exercises.

SaddleBrooke HOA 2 Fitness Department offers Posture and Balance Classes every week on Wednesdays at 10:00 a.m. in the Mesquite Fitness Room at MountainView. These classes are just $5 each with the first time free. You may purchase tickets through the HOA 2 Administrative Office.

Balance is like muscle strength, the more you use it, the less likely you are to lose it. Worse, it can become a vicious circle. You feel a little unsteady, so you curtail certain activities. If you’re inactive you’re not challenging your balance systems or using your muscles decreasing coordination, agility, speed and muscle strength.

Try this Balance Exercise

Practice balancing on one leg and hold as long as you can up to 15 seconds (alternate legs). Add a balance pad to increase the difficulty; extend the arms for more complexity.

Please call the HOA 2 Fitness and Wellness Department if you would like to learn a program to help increase your balance. We are here to help you achieve the best you can be; 818-1172 or 818-1300.