Update from the Rotary Club of SaddleBrooke


Tim Morsani

Game Warden Jimmy Simmons spoke at a recent Rotary luncheon about his role in Arizona’s Game and Fish Department. He feels he has the best job in the state.

Half biologist half enforcement officer, Captain Simmons deals with a variety of issues. He helps move animals, wild sheep for example, from areas of plenty to areas of depleted herds in order to help balance the vagaries of nature and human intrusion. He helps perform DUI checks at various marinas with boaters from around the state. He answers distress calls pertaining to human/wildlife confrontations.

On one day he may cruise off-road trails making sure the ATVs are adhering to some form of responsible driving. On another he will ride in a helicopter counting and cataloging various wildlife species. When asked about feral horses and their protection by federal law, he mentioned the damage done to wild animals when burros keep antelope and deer away from a water source.

To better connect with your adopted state and community, consider joining your neighbors at one of the SaddleBrooke Rotary clubs – breakfast or lunch. For details visit SaddleBrookeRotary.com.