May FSL Lecture to Feature ‘The Mariachi Miracle’

Calling All Owl Lovers

Boot Prints: Dave Corrigan

Cyclemasters Bike Maintenance and Chili Cook-Off

Hiker’s Adventures

Lunch view spot: Ray Peale, Mary Bubla, Andi Loveland, and Jodi Kreuser. Photo by Elisabeth Wheeler.

Little Molas Lake —Colorado Trail Elisabeth Wheeler The Colorado Trail elevation at Little Molas Lake is 10,900 feet. On Sept. 27, the last day of the club’s Durango trip, five hikers enthusiastically made the 8.5-mile round trip venture to 11,800 feet of elevation on the Colorado Trail. Hikers, led by veteran hiking guide Elisabeth Wheeler,…

Resident Author: New book by a SaddleBrooke author

Patricia Kay Scott All last winter, I worked with Kay Sullivan, a SaddleBrooke artist, and William Utley, a military historian and friend, to produce Fort Niagara: The Key to the Inland Oceans and the French Movement to Dominate North America. This book should interest SaddleBrooke residents, especially those who moved here from the Great Lakes…

Day hiking the Long Trail of Vermont

Welcome to Vermont: The Long Trail. Photo by an unknown Vermont hiker.

Michael Caryl The SaddleBrooke Hiking Club announces their November program entitled “Day Hiking the Long Trail of Vermont.” The club’s trail guide, Aaron Schoenberg, will report on his experiences on Wednesday, Nov. 20, at the SaddleBrooke One Activity Center at 4 p.m. The Long Trail is the oldest long-distance hiking trail in America. It was…

How does your garden grow?

Louise Grabell I have been a Master Gardener for Pinal County (under the auspices of the University of Arizona) since 2005 and recently decided to step away from the formal program. However, I must tell you that this has been one of the more rewarding activities of my retirement years. I began writing this column…

Gospel Rescue Mission

Dick Kroese Pastor Roy Tullgren from the Gospel Rescue Mission spoke at the SaddleBrooke Sunrise Rotary Club meeting on Oct. 10, which was held at the MountainView Bar and Grill. Pastor Tullgren shared information about the Mission’s three main areas of service to the Tucson community: 1) emergency shelter beds and meals for homeless men, women,…