May FSL Lecture to Feature ‘The Mariachi Miracle’

Calling All Owl Lovers

Boot Prints: Dave Corrigan

Cyclemasters Bike Maintenance and Chili Cook-Off

Cyclemasters: Rules of the Road

B.J. Murray, Vice President In November, the president and vice president of SaddleBrooke Cyclemasters met with the members of the SaddleBrooke One and SaddleBrooke TWO patrol to help us understand how we can be responsible riders in our community. We very much appreciated the visit and learned how our patrol is working to keep us safe.…

Unit Happenings

Eileen Depka babysitting grand dogs (Photo by Jeff Depka)

Unit 27 Activities Sue Case This pandemic certainly has forced changes to what had previously been a “sky’s the limit” ability to travel. During the past month, most of our unit residents have stayed put, as it were. However, a hearty few have ventured out, with specific destinations in mind. Eileen and Jeff Depka spent…

Blood Drive Returns to SaddleBrooke

Michael and Laurie Lien Michael and I would like to thank everyone who has given blood these last few months. It has been a challenge to run the drives in this time of COVID-19 restrictions. The HOA has given us permission to resume the SaddleBrooke blood drives at the MountainView Ballroom as before. All precautions…