Join the Barbershop Singers

Jerry Gustafson

The Canada del Oro Barbershop Chorus of SaddleBrooke meets every Tuesday evening at 6:30 p.m. in the Agate Room of the HOA2 Arts and Crafts Center, 38725 S MountainView Boulevard. We have been singing in SaddleBrooke since 1998 and now number about 25 singers. We are part of the international Barbershop Harmony Society. We would love to have any men who like singing to try us out; you will find it is a unique singing style. We have a nationally known director and section leaders who will help you learn the music and improve your singing. We have tenors (high notes), leads (melody) and the low voices singing baritone and bass. We do not compete. Our goal is to have fun in addition to singing well. We do performances a few times a year, as well as a concert at DesertView Theater in December.

This year’s concert is on December 8. We are bringing in a wonderful singing group called the ACappella Syndicate. They are from Phoenix and are one of the best in the country. More to follow in future articles on that show. Reserve the date and get your tickets.

Join us! You’ll have a ball!

Questions? Contact [email protected]