JFG news and upcoming events

Marilyn Anthony

Our recent event was a potluck on March 30 and as usual it was a full house with some of the best meals available in SaddleBrooke. The trivia game which usually accompanies this particular event is being rescheduled to be a standalone activity and will resume in 2020. Apologies to those who love to play. Any complaints to Marilyn!

The annual JFG Seder will take place on April 20 in the Vistas Dining Room at SaddleBrooke One and will be led by Susan Kravitz, Mark Schwartz and Carol Gordon. There will, no doubt, be lots of music. Cost for members is $28 and for non-members $38. Please send your checks to Laurie Colen, 63845 E Orangewood Lane and mark your choice of entrée – brisket or salmon, on your check.

Our thanks to Kate Grinnell and Barbara Levinson for hosting the recent coffee. There was a full house, delicious food and excellent company. We JFG women enjoy this event a great deal and are thankful to all those who host. Should you wish to host please contact either Sandy Rosen [email protected] or Joan Chorost [email protected].

The May Ladies Coffee will be Wednesday, May 15, at 10:30 a.m. and hosted by Debbie Flato and Judy Greene It will be held at Debbie’s house 37429 S. Desert Star. Please RSVP by May 8.

The recent meeting of the Co-ed Book Club had a very spirited discussion of All the Rivers, a somewhat controversial novel by an Israel author dealing with an autobiographical love affair between an Israeli and a Palestinian. Amongst topics brought up were questions of cultural identity, the concept of personal freedom while living abroad and, naturally, Israeli politics. All felt that it was a well-written book dealing with real contemporary issues.

Thanks to Carol Karp and Rhoda Kaplan for hosting and presenting the April meeting which talked about The Bridal Chair by Gloria Goldreich.

The May 9 meeting will be hosted by Sherry Marmorstein with Carol Karp presenting The Lost Letter by Jillian Cantor, a historical novel of love and survival inspired by real resistance workers during World War II Austria, and the mysterious love letter that connects generations of Jewish families. With luck the author will be attending the meeting via Skype or Facetime. So, make sure you read the book and come to what will no doubt be a fascinating discussion.

Upcoming events include a Mother’s Day Patio Dinner on May 11 and naturally the Father’s Day Grill. Information will be forthcoming.

For more information about the JFG, kindly contact the President, Leslie Nagy, [email protected].