Friends of SaddleBrooke Libraries


Help wanted

Rolly Prager

The Friends of SaddleBrooke Libraries (FSL) was established in 2000 to provide funding for new library materials, and equipment for the three SaddleBrooke libraries. FSL raises funds through membership fees, community education events, fundraising events/activities and tax-exempt gifts. The libraries are an invaluable resource for the SaddleBrooke community. A strong FSL ensures the libraries can provide new materials to SaddleBrooke residents.

FSL is looking for volunteers to serve on the FSL Board in the following positions for the 2019-2020 term. A board member can serve up to three consecutive two-year terms and single year terms after that.


The President presides at all meetings of the Board and Executive Committee and has duties that are determined by the Board. The President serves as an ex-officio member of all committees, with the exception of the Nominating Committee.


In the absence of the President, the Vice President performs the duties of the President. The Vice President is responsible for coordinating and overseeing the planning process and Chairs the Nominating Committee. The Vice President also has other duties determined by the Board.


Our current Treasurer plans to complete another one-year term in 2018. She would like to work with the person who will take over as Treasurer in 2019.

The Treasurer is responsible for managing and/or overseeing FSL funds, presenting regular written financial status reports, oversees the annual budget planning process and financial review.


Duties include working with the bus tour provider to plan and execute two bus trips per year, working with the Communications Chair to publicize the trips and with the Treasurer to manage trip funds.


Duties include the planning of the annual lecture series (9-10 per year) using speakers from the UA Humanities program and/or other sources in order to provide education enrichment opportunities for the community and working with the Communications Chair and Membership Chair to promote the lecture series.


Duties include planning the annual library volunteer appreciation luncheon, including coordinating with clubhouse staff, library managers and Board members as needed to manage, promote and arrange payment for the event.

If you are interested in learning more about any of these positions, or would like to nominate a friend or neighbor, please contact Nancy McClusky-Moore, FSL Vice-President, at [email protected] or 520-822-6373.

Music Mends Minds event

Nancy Klawitter

The SaddleBrooke Sunrise Rotary is pleased to sponsor a Music Mends Minds event!

Restoring the Rhythm of Life for those with Neurodegenerative diseases such as Dementia, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, brain injury, stroke and PTSD is the goal of Music Mends Minds.

Please join us at our first interactive music event at the MountainView Ballroom West on Wednesday, May 23, from 1:00 p.m. until 3:00 p.m. All are welcome to come and join the fun using the power of music to help change brain chemistry and celebrate life! Do you like to have fun and make others happy? Do you enjoy singing? Do you play an instrument, a tambourine or something else? If so, you would be perfect for our Music Mends Minds Volunteer Band. For more information please contact Earlene Lewis, our Volunteer Band coordinator, at 520-954-5859. Music Mends Minds is a nonprofit organization that collaborates with Rotary International to create interactive support bands for our seniors with Neurodegenerative diseases and there is no charge. Please visit to see what we are all about.

For more information contact Earlene Lewis, 520-954-5859 or Nancy Klawitter, 520-500-6563.