DesertView Cinema Club: job opening

Bob Goodman

After a wonderful 10 years of serving as the able Publicist for the DesertView Cinema Club, Dick Fleming has decided to retire. Many thanks to Dick for his fine work.

As a result, we need a new volunteer for this position. What does the Publicist do? He/she puts together notices for the SaddleBrooke publications in the format they require and submits them to provide publicity for the movies. This is an important position for keeping residents informed of what movies are coming up. The job will require some knowledge of Microsoft Word and Adobe Photoshop, but Dick has agreed to provide training and guidance in all aspects. Since Dick can serve out the remainder of this season (through April), training could be done with the new volunteer now before he/she takes over the position when movie showings resume in November.

Please contact me if you are interested in this important position; we would love to have you join the DVCC crew. I can put you in contact with Dick who will be happy to answer any questions and provide additional information.

Thanks, DVCC Treasurer Bob Goodman; 520-825-4407.