Corn Moon

Christine Reding

September is designated as the Native American’s Corn Moon

Gathering crookneck squash, pumpkins, nuts and acorn

Black Kettle Tribe gathering strawberries generously strewn

Grounding of the crusty leaves leaving the earth unadorned

Moccasins softly touching the moistened packed dirt

The Iroquois hunting the elusive herd of camouflaged deer

Armed with a bow and arrow tipped with a bird point stone

Stealthily edging the piercing hide, the tribesmen persevere

Weaving through treed environments, until the meat is shown

The Wampanoag Tribe constructed their village near the river’s stance

Specifically to catch the thickened population of fresh flowing salmon

Utilizing baskets, nets, and fish line cords fabricated from fibers of plants

Fish grasped by hands for a food source and trade was traditionally common

The luminosity of the September Moon causes it to be brighter than ever

Perfect for harvesting their full grown crops for their year’s bounty

Stashing away for winter’s feed, a tedious and constant endeavor

The Assiniboine Tribe described the month as being the Yellow Leaf Moon

Resplendent with brightly golden colors, dropping abundantly to the ground

A time to replenish human cleansing of the blemished spiritual soul

Rituals invite forgiveness and healing of past transgressions which abound