Category: Features

When Snakes Seek Warmth

Stuart Watkins A coiled rattlesnake was seeking warmth and found a place to sleep in our garage. As I was removing bags of donated clothing to take to my church next morning, my eyes glanced at what I thought was a shirt that spilled from one of the donated bags. The rattlesnake that had been hidden by…

Buzzards Delight

Stuart Watkins buzzards soar searching high spot roadkill and descend from the sky alerting kin that dinner is nigh as the first to land feast on the eyes cousins, nephews, uncles and aunts share the guts, flesh and thighs leaving fur for sun to bake dry skull, and striped clean bones let for mice, worms, and…

This I Have Learned … Thank You and Giving Thanks!

Mary Jo Bellner Swartzberg Research published in Royal Society Open Science has revealed there is an unspoken expectation of co-operation in many societies around the world and so (the phrase) “thank you” is surplus to requirements. (U.K. News, May 2018) Further, researchers determined that in some of the languages they observed there was no phrase…

2 Your Health: Massage and Autoimmune Disease: Are There Benefits?

Heidi Overman, LMT According to the American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA) in autoimmune diseases, the immune system, which ordinarily defends the body against outside infection, mistakes the body’s own cells, tissues, and organs as foreign—and attacks them accordingly. Some diseases involve one part of the body, such as multiple sclerosis, in which the immune system attacks…

Please, Please Adopt Me

Photo by Pixabay

Stuart Watkins Please, please adopt me on Christmas Day. I’ll be your friendly pet, the very best one you’ve had yet, if you’ll just adopt me on Christmas Day. There’s room for me in your shopping cart. I’ll place a smile in your great big heart. Put me in a stocking with ribbons so bright.…

In Passing

Eric Vonderheid, M.D. Eric Carl Vonderheid, M.D., former Professor of Dermatology and Oncology at Johns Hopkins University between 2002 and 2007, died after a long struggle with prostate cancer on Oct. 24, 2020. He was born on Nov. 3, 1942, the only son of Carl G. Vonderheid, Jr., M.D. and Thelma Shaw Vonderheid. Raised in…

Word of the Month: Groovy

David Zapatka The “59th Street Bridge Song”, known by many as the “Feelin’ Groovy” song by Simon and Garfunkel, came on the radio. I was asked if I knew the history behind the word “groovy” which led to this month’s WOTM, “groovy.” Groovy:  ˈgrü-vē  Adjective 1. marvelous, wonderful, excellent 2. hip, trendy Origin and Etymology: “pertaining to…

A Life Well Lived

Fred and Elaine wave to 104th birthday well-wishers.

Phil Simpson Our beloved friend, Fred Klein, SaddleBrooke’s oldest resident, left us on July 30, 2020. It seems like only yesterday when on April 25, the SaddleBrooke community paraded 220 vehicles by Fred’s home in celebration of his 104th birthday. Fred was thrilled by this wonderful gift. Joined by fiancé Elaine Stamm and swim club…


Stuart Watkins Puck Slap shot Body slam Steal Shoot/rebound Goal High stick Penalty box Gloves down Fists fly Four on four Poor shot Goal post rebound Blocked shot Iced the goalie Point well covered Get to the bench Lobbed over and in One to one Stanley Cup finals