Catalina State Park expanding learning opportunities

Pam Boedeker

SaddleBrooke Nature Club members and other community volunteers are a big draw at Catalina State Park most Saturdays at the wildlife exhibit. The exhibit area has grown to include four tents, featured critters from our area, animal skins and a wide variety of hands-on activities. Volunteers enjoy interacting with kids and adults as they share information about the flora and fauna of Arizona. Adults coming into the park have fascinating experiences to share and constantly inspire volunteers with new information.

Volunteers also experience the joy of interacting with kids who are curious about the world around them.

Building on the success of the Saturday program, Catalina State Park volunteers are hoping to expand the educational program for kids. Experienced teachers will lead the way with programs on such topics as insects, geology, plants, and the popular Scat and Track. In the beginning planning stage is the possibility of an archeology dig site so kids can sift through dirt for signs of ancient life.

Potential lesson plans have been sketched out. The program has the support of Catalina State Park and the interest of the community. We just need more volunteers to make it a reality!

Come talk to some of the Catalina State Park volunteers on Saturday mornings. Attend the next SaddleBrooke Nature Club meeting at 4:00 p.m. on the second Monday each month in the Coyote Room downstairs in the HOA 1 Clubhouse. Check our website at or contact Dan Chase at 818-3545 or Jim Cloer at 818-0715.