Is an Antarctic Cruise right for you?

Antarctic travel is an experience unlike any other, because it is a place unlike any other. Individual characteristics of the continent can be found elsewhere, sure, but the undeveloped, untouched landscape combined with the sheer remoteness of the area make visiting Antarctica like traveling to another world. It’s a special place and it calls for a special type of traveler.

The area surrounding the South Pole has always appealed to the most intrepid individuals out there. Even before it was discovered, explorers were working to find this elusive and mysterious destination. The same holds true today – people who travel to Antarctica are in search of something incredible.

There’s really no denying it – even in the summer, Antarctica has intense weather. That said, many Antarctic voyagers find the cold refreshing. In addition, when you cruise to Antarctica most of your time will be spent along the Antarctic Peninsula, which doesn’t get as cold as it does further inland.

Even on the relatively warm peninsula, Antarctic vacations are active journeys with plenty of hiking, walking and other physically demanding activities. Travelers who yearn to test their mettle against the elements will have an absolutely incredible experience.

Because human life has only existed on Antarctica for a couple hundred years – and even since then, in incredibly small quantities – the Antarctic wildlife isn’t particularly shy around humans. Penguins, seals and whales are all fairly easy to spot in the summer months and many don’t mind if humans get close. You should still exercise caution around these creatures, of course, but there are few chances to see wildlife so personally outside of Antarctica.

There’s something immensely satisfying about doing something no one (or nearly no one) else has done. That drive to accomplish something unique has brought people toward the South Pole since it was first discovered and it continues drawing people in today. For more information on Antarctica contact Bon Voyage Travel at 625-6960.