2 Your Health – January 2015

Editor’s Note: “2 Your Health” is a new column in the SaddleBrooke Progress dedicated to health issues. Each month different doctors and or medical associations, from varying specialties, will be writing on issues of importance. Articles are based on experiences and independent research conducted by the doctors or medical associations. We encourage anyone considering changing medications and or altering medical therapy, as a result of information contained in these articles, to consult your doctor first. Robson Publishing, a division of Robson Communities, Inc. is not liable for information contained in these articles.

New medical research supports chiropractic treatment

Dr. Craig Brue

Have you ever heard anyone say, “I don’t believe in chiropractors,” or “I would never go to a chiropractor for my back pain?” One of the worst possible health decisions any person can make is to discount the possibility of getting help from an alternative or complementary health provider. In my daily practice I receive frequent referrals from the medical community because many physicians understand that spinal adjustments can help resolve back and neck pain.

Do you have questions about the safety and effectiveness of chiropractic treatment? In this article I will tell you about two recent articles that were published in a prestigious medical journal, The Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapy (JMPT), showing that chiropractic care is both safe and effective.

The October 2014 edition of the JMPT reports a study, Chiropractic Use in the Medicare Population: Prevalence, Patterns, and Associations with One Year Changes in Health and Satisfaction with Care. The study was designed to examine how chiropractic care compared to medical treatment in a patient’s ability to function, their overall health and the patient satisfaction with the results of care. The authors that designed the study make this conclusion about the effectiveness of chiropractic treatment. “Chiropractic is significantly protective against declines in the activities of daily living, lifting, stooping, walking, self-rated health and worsening health after one year. Persons using chiropractic are more satisfied with their follow-up care and with the information provided to them.”

In another recent study, the JMPT compared patient satisfaction scores in those suffering from acute and sub acute neck pain. The methods of care that were studied included chiropractic treatment, home exercise advice and care and prescription medication. The study concluded that neck pain sufferers reported the most satisfaction with chiropractic. Home exercise advice was also associated with increased patient satisfaction over drug treatment.

I have now been a practicing doctor of chiropractic for over 40 years and this is what I would tell you if you came to me for advice about the treatment of back pain. “Your body has a profound, miraculous and unbelievable ability to heal and repair. Healing comes from within. Healing does not come from a pill or drug. Your nervous system controls and coordinates every cell, tissue and organ of your body. If a chiropractor can improve the structure (alignment) of the spine, your body will experience a significant improvement in the lessening of pain and your body’s ability to function properly.”

This is my advice for the person that is experiencing chronic back or neck pain. A chiropractor will treat the cause of your back pain; drugs only treat the symptoms. Talk to a chiropractor before you discount any possibility of getting help from their unique treatment. You may not have anything to lose besides the pain you are experiencing.

Dr. Craig Brue is an author, lecturer and chiropractic provider in SaddleBrooke, Arizona.